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Eating on the Go

I'm back again, as I said things are looking much more clearer and I'm able to spend more time doing what I love which is helping people get into the best shape they possibly can be in.

Browsing through magazines and watching television last night it dawn on me how although we want to eat well and workout sometimes there just isn't enough time(So We Think) and it's impossible to find any healthy food when you are away from home.

I just wanted to provide some quick foods that you can simply grab and go. The key thing here is that we cannot under any circumstance skip meals. By meals I mean meals or snacks. Keeping our blood sugar stable is big when it comes to losing weight or getting more toned. Also the chances of you eating more than you should is also less.

Top foods to eat while on the Run

High Fiber Cereal Bar
Fruit Salad
Protein Shake
Low-fat Yogurt
Mini Rice Cakes
String Cheese

It's important to throw these snacks in your "diet" between meals. A sample breakdown could be Breakfast, Mid-morning snack, Lunch, Mid-afternoon Snack and Dinner. For those who workout the break down would be Breakfast, Mid-morning snack, Lunch, Pre-workout snack(60-90 minutes prior to working out), Post-Workout Snack(Protein bar, immediately after your workout), Dinner(preferably Salad with a lean protein).

Put these snacks into your diet right now, and watch you melt fat away as long as you are a part of an effective training program as well.

If you are having problems with what you are eating, a great suggestion is to have a food diary. Right now you can have you own food diary for free at www.fitday.com. It's easy to use and should definitely help you on your way to getting into shape.

Want to know what's the secrets on how men and women all over the world are losing weight? They all get exclusive training tips by going to www.4evertoned.com/newsletter