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Time to take it back.

I was reading doing my daily net surfing when I came across an interesting fact.

Do you remember when you were in middle school and your teacher had you write journals about how you feel and what was going on in your daily lives?

I know when I was about 10 years old that's what my teacher had us do. It's not till now that I truly understand the power of writing down how you feel. When you're pissed off at your boss at work, write your feelings down on paper before you lash out and possibly lose your job. You will find that writing it out is another way to express yourself without paying the hefty consequences of saying it directly to your boss.

But the real reason I bring up journals is because the article I was reading had a study which showed that those who kept food journals for a year lost 41 lbs and those who didn't keep a journal lost only 17 lbs.

So guess what I'm suggesting you do?

That's right, get your pencil ready, and go to the 99 cents store and get yourself a journal.

In that journal you will write how you feel before you eat and how did you feel after eating. You will do this for every single meal. Is this too much to ask?

I don't think so. Think about it you can lose 2.5 times more weight just by doing this one simple thing.

Get the journal, lose more weight, it's just that simple. Of course exercise and eating right ties into that.