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Measure Success

Are you seeing results with your current fitness programs?

In a recent phone call with someone I'd like to call
my dear friend Aj Roberts we talked about how people
should measure their success when it comes to weight loss.

We came up with the top 3 ways to really gauge your progress.

1- How do you feel? (Are you feeling better, more energy
less fatigued)

2-How your clothes fit? (Are those fat jeans suddenly a little


As you can see weighing yourself does not fall in the top 3
ways to measure success. Sure seeing the pounds come off
on the scale is always good but it can be water weight too.

The 3 ways listed above will ensure you that you're dropping
fat, losing inches. The scale is overrated. Here's an
image of my favorite football player.

He's 245-255 lbs.
When you hear a man is that heavy you wouldn't expect
abs would you?

Well there you have it.