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Somethings just never change

Recently there's been so much news and information
regarding how great the movie "300" was that I had
to talk to some of my friends to see how great it
really was. The response I got was amazing.

The guys were all ripped and shredded that it
has caught the eyes of those in the fitness
industry and rightfully so.

But as I was reading through Yahoo I saw that
the movie on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
has taken over the list of top movies. Now
what the heck does the ninja turtles have to do
with getting in shape you might ask?

Well the turtles was something I was into
back when I was a kid, over 10 years ago
and now it's back and still gathering
the attention of many people.

Well it's the same with dieting. Low carb
dieting was very popular in the past and
despite the newest trends when it comes to
dieting it still is number 1 according to
a recent study that was done when it comes
to losing weight.

So I must ask, are you eating a balanced
diet that is not high on carbs? If you
are then congrats, if not, why not?

Summer will be here before you know it
so do not waste anymore time.