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Q & A day

Hey everyone,

Today I wanted to talk about a question that I've been seeing a lot of and possibly one that you've asked yourself many times.

Many people are simply lazy when it comes to getting toned and losing bodyfat and have been asking if they could simply diet alone to get lean as oppose to exercising. I've met people who will go on strict diets but they did so without incorporating any exercise. Can this work? Can you lose weight being on a strict diet?

You sure can. But what about getting results faster, and really losing inches, pounds of bodyfat and creating the beach body you truly want.

That's where the exercise part comes in. But still there's some discrepancies when it comes to what exercise to do. Many people, one of my clients included comes to me and says well I'll run 5 miles everyday and lose the weight. Now 5 miles is not a simple task to do but again is this the most efficient way to drop body fat?

The answer is no. In a recent study by the Department of Human and Health Services at the University of Westminster in London, UK stated;

The advantages of strength training may have greater implications than initially proposed with respect to decreasing percentage body fat and sustaining Fat Free Mass.

If that's the case then why are we wasting time doing 60-90 minutes of cardio if what we really want is to reduce bodyfat and look lean. Everyone is stuck in the caveman days when it comes to effectively losing bodyfat. There's a need for a mental shift in the minds of everyone to start lifting weights if you're serious about looking sexy in your clothes and strutting your stuff when summer time comes around.

Take away note: Incorporating exercise in addition to a dietary change will help you get results a lot quicker than dieting alone. And the addition of strength training will help not only build muscle but get rid of fat so you can look, slim and toned.